Free Access to Information -
Free Access to Information
In accordance with the Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information and Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts (Freedom of Information Act), everybody may ask for information that the Gambling Regulatory Authority have available.
Disclose the information according to the Act No. 211/2000 Coll. is provided by Department of Communication, Support, Internal Control and Complaints in cooperation with other relevant departments.
A request for information may be filed:
- in writing: Gambling Regulation Authority, Križkova 949/9, 811 04 Bratislava
- orally (in person): Office of the Director General, Križkova 949/9, 811 04 Bratislava, 5th floor
- by telephone: +421 2 48 21 18 02
- via e-mail:,,
- via Central Government Portal: (a request must be signed by qualified electronic signature).
Orally (in person) and by telephone, requests for information can be submitted on working days from 9:00 to 11:00 am and 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
It must be clear from the request:
- who filed it: name, surname and/or business name of the applicant, residence address or registered seat of the applicant,
- what information it concerns,
- what way of disclosure is suggested (e.g. hard copy or via e-mail).
Disclosure of information request
Information shall be disclosed mainly orally, by inspection of files, including the possibility to make a copy or notes, by transfer of data to a data carrier, disclosure of copies of original with the requested information, by telephone, fax, mail or email. If it is not possible to disclose information in a way requested by the applicant, the Gambling Regulatory Authority and the applicant shall agree on a different way of disclosure the information.
Providing of information is free of charge as far as the cost of provided information does not exceed the amount of 6,64 €. Information shall be provided free of charge to an applicant who will provide Disability Certificate.
Request disposition periods
The request for information is deemed filed on the day the Gambling Regulatory Authority was notified.
The Gambling Regulatory Authority shall provide the information without delay, but not later than 8 working days from the day of the request submission, in the case of disclosure information to a blind person by a maximum of 15 working days, unless otherwise provided in this Act.
The Gambling Regulatory Authority may extend the period to disclose the information for serious reasons as defined by the law by a maximum of 8 working days, in the case of disclosure information to a blind person by a maximum of 15 working days.
If the Gambling Regulatory Authority does not have the information required by the applicant, but it is aware of where the information may be obtained, the Gambling Regulatory Authority shall within 5 days after the request submission transfer the request to that obligee.
If the Gambling Regulatory Authority does not have the information required by the applicant and is not aware of where the concerned information may be obtained, the Gambling Regulatory Authority shall issue a resolution rejecting to disclose the requested information. The Gambling Regulatory Authority shall issue a resolution rejecting to disclose the requested information also in the case when it is according to legal obligations not possible to disclose the information requested.
Compliance with request & Remedies
An applicant may file an appeal against the resolution of the Gambling Regulatory Authority rejecting to disclosure requested information within 15 days after the delivery of such a resolution.
Place of appeal: Gambling Regulatory Authority, Križkova 949/9, 811 04 Bratislava.
The appeal is submitted in writing, through the email or orally (in person).
The appeal against the resolution of the Authority shall be decided by the superior authority, which is the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic within 15 days from the receipt of the appeal. If the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic does not fully decide within 15 days, it is presumed, that issued a decision, in which appeal decline and upheld resolution.
Modified : 28.03.2023